Thursday, 09.03.2023 - Hybrid-Format: ZOOM

"Fit for Future? – A Global Digital Compact for Gender Justice"

The Global Digital Compact – one of the most ambitious agendas on the new roadmap for a reinvigorated global multilateralism of the UN – intents to outline shared principles to guide the future of international digital cooperation for ensuring an inclusive and equitable digital future for all.

The Global Digital Compact – one of the most ambitious agendas on the new roadmap for a reinvigorated global multilateralism of the UN – intents to outline shared principles to guide the future of international digital cooperation for ensuring an inclusive and equitable digital future for all.

Over the last year, the Political Feminism Program of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, together with IT for Change, has worked out what feminists want in order to shape our digital future in a gender-equitable manner. We spoke with more than 100 feminist activist groups, academics and trade union representatives in regional dialogues in Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, as well as Sub-Saharan Africa. As a result, we were able to put together a "Charter of Feminist Demands" mapping feminist visions from around the world for a Global Digital Compact for Gender Justice.

Our Charter will be launched on 9th March at 8.30am EST/2.30 pm CET at the 67th UN CSW in New York during our parallel event "Fit for Future? – A Global Digital Compact for Gender Justice". Together with panelists from IT for Change, A2K4D, UNCTAD, UNI Global Union, Ford Foundation, and <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms we will discuss the calls for urgent action on the UN Global Digital Compact. On top, our event includes a key-note from Honorable Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.

The event will be held in English. It is organized in a hybrid format. To participate online, please make sure to pre-register via Zoom:

French and Arabic translation is provided.